Locale and Translations

Locale and Translations


If you are using a Proxy (BungeeCord/Velocity), you must configure locale files on the proxy.

Default values

Community translation

How to Contribute

We have our own Crowdin page (opens in a new tab) where you can contribute your translations.

If your language is missing, you can contact support on our discord.

How to update

You can download updated translations from our dev branch (opens in a new tab).

Select language

Language codes

Language (translated)Languageconfig valuefile name (opens in a new tab)
Franç (opens in a new tab)
简体中文(中国大陆)Chinese (opens in a new tab)
繁體中文(台灣)Chinese (opens in a new tab)
Polski (Polska) (opens in a new tab)
Norsk Bokmål (Norge)Norwegian Bokmå (opens in a new tab)
Españ (opens in a new tab)
日本語 (Nihongo) (opens in a new tab)
Suomi (Suomi) (opens in a new tab)
Italiano (Italia) (opens in a new tab)
Čeština (Česká Republika) (opens in a new tab)
Українська (Ukrayins'ka) (opens in a new tab)
Magyar (Magyarország) (opens in a new tab)
Română (România) (opens in a new tab)
Türkçe (Türkiye) (opens in a new tab)
ไทย (thay) (opens in a new tab)
한국어 (Hangugeo) (opens in a new tab)
Български (България) (opens in a new tab)
Català (Catalunya) (opens in a new tab)
Dansk (Danmark) (opens in a new tab)
Lietuvių (opens in a new tab) (opens in a new tab)
اللغة العربية (alLuġah al'Arabiyye) (opens in a new tab)


Language (translated)Languageconfig valuefile name
繁體中文(香港特別行政區)Chinese Traditional (Hong Kong) (opens in a new tab)
Français (Québec)Canadian (opens in a new tab)
Português (Brasil)Brazilian (opens in a new tab)
Español (Argentina)Argentinian (opens in a new tab)
Norsk nynorsk (Norge)Norwegian (opens in a new tab)

Change fallback language

Customization info

If you do not like the default translations, you can customize it to your own liking. In this section, you can find an overview of how to locate and info on when which locale is triggered.

Help Messages

In this section we will explain how you can change the help messages.


plugins/SkinsRestorer/languages/language_<code>.properties Line 14 till 27 are the {description} of the acf-core.help_format

skinsrestorer.help_skin_set=Changes your skin.
skinsrestorer.help_skin_set_other=Sets the skin for a target player.
skinsrestorer.help_skin_set_other_url=Sets the skin from an url for a target player.
skinsrestorer.help_skin_clear=Clears your skin.
skinsrestorer.help_skin_clear_other=Clears the skin of a target player.
skinsrestorer.help_skin_search=Search up a skin that you want
skinsrestorer.help_skin_update=Updates your skin.
skinsrestorer.help_skin_update_other=Updates the skin of a target player.
skinsrestorer.help_sr_reload=Reloads the configuration file.
skinsrestorer.help_sr_status=Checks plugin needed API services.
skinsrestorer.help_sr_drop=Removes players or skin data.
skinsrestorer.help_sr_props=Displays the players current skin properties.
skinsrestorer.help_sr_apply_skin=Re-apply the skin for target user.
skinsrestorer.help_sr_createcustom=Create a custom server wide skin.

This is what the format looks like. As you can see, acf-core.help_header & acf-core.help_format are used with the /skin

When performing a wrong command, this is how it will tell you:

  1. warning: acf-core.no_command_matched_search
  2. search command matching: acf-core.help_search_header
  3. matching commands in acf-core.help_format format
acf-core.no_command_matched_search=&e[&2SkinsRestorer&e] &4Error&8: &cno such command&4: <c2>{search}</c2>.
acf-core.help_page_information=- Showing page <c2>{page}</c2> of <c2>{totalpages}</c2> (<c3>{results}</c3> results).
acf-core.help_no_results=&e[&2SkinsRestorer&e] &4Error&8: &cNo more results&4.
acf-core.help_header=&3[&2&lSkinsRestorer&r&3] &7- &bShowing help for &a{commandprefix}{command}&7.
acf-core.help_format=&2  &2{command} &a{parameters} &7{separator}&7 &f{description}
acf-core.help_detailed_header=&3[&2&lSkinsRestorer&r&3] &7- <c1>Showing info for </c1><c2>{commandprefix}{command}</c2>
acf-core.help_detailed_command_format=<c1>{command}</c1> <c2>{parameters}</c2> <c3>{separator} {description}</c3>
acf-core.help_detailed_parameter_format=<c2>{name}</c2>: <c3>{description}</c3>
acf-core.help_search_header=&3[&2&lSkinsRestorer&r&3] &7- &bCommands matching <c2>{commandprefix}{command} {search}</c2>

Permissions messages

skinsrestorer.player_has_no_permission_skin={prefix} &4Error&8: &cYou don't have permission to set this skin.
skinsrestorer.player_has_no_permission_url={prefix} &4Error&8: &cYou don't have permission to set skins by URL.


acf-core.permission_denied=&3[&2&lSkinsRestorer&r&3] &cI'm sorry, but you do not have permission to perform this command.

Success messages

SkinsRestorer has different Success messages when using different commands


Command and aliasesDescriptionLocale
/skin <skin>Your skin has been changed.SKIN_CHANGE_SUCCESS
/skin set <player>You set %player's skin.ADMIN_SET_SKIN
/skin clearYour skin has been cleared.SKIN_CLEAR_SUCCESS
/skin updateYour skin has been updated.SUCCESS_UPDATING_SKIN


Command and aliasesDescriptionLocale
/skin clear <player>Skin cleared for player %player.SKIN_CLEAR_ISSUER
/skin update <player>Skin updated for player %player.SUCCESS_UPDATING_SKIN_OTHER
/sr drop <player>%data data dropped for %targetSKIN_DATA_DROPPED
/sr set <player> <skin>you set %player skinADMIN_SET_SKIN

Other useful messages

skinsrestorer.not_premium={prefix} &4Error&8: &cPremium player with that name does not exist.
skinsrestorer.error_no_skin={prefix} &4Error&8: &cThis player has no skin set.
skinsrestorer.skin_cooldown={prefix} &4Error&8: &cYou can change your skin again in &e{0} &cseconds.
skinsrestorer.wait_a_minute={prefix} &4Error&8: &cPlease wait a minute before requesting that skin again. (Rate Limited)
skinsrestorer.generic_error={prefix} &4Error&8: &cAn error occurred while requesting skin data, please try again later!

ERROR messages

In this section we list an overview of the error messages.

Localeoccurrence/ triggermessage description
SKIN_DISABLEDwhen %p set config.DisabledSkinsskin is disabled
INVALID_PLAYERwhen %skin is to small, nonexistent or bad link%skin is not a valid username or URL.
ERROR_UPDATING_URLwhen %p does /skin update while having custom (url) skinYou can't update custom url skins
ERROR_INVALID_URLSKINwhen player use url that does not point to a valid skin (skin image)Invalid skin url or format
ERROR_MS_FULLWhen the API for custom url skins has timed out / offlineAPI timed out while uploading skin
ERROR_MS_GENERICThe error from our API that we send to the playerMS Error: %error
GENERIC_ERRORunused (might change in the future)An error occurred while requesting skin
ERROR_NO_SKINsetting the skin of Mojang account that has no skinhis player has no skin set
ALT_API_FAILEDWhen the alternative back-up API also failsSkin Data API is overloaded
MS_API_FAILEDWhen the api used for custom skins is offline / busy
NO_SKIN_DATAWhen no skin data could be acquired


The prefix (messages.yml PREFIX) is turned on by default. And can be disabled in SkinsRestorer folder Config.yml -> DisablePrefix: false

The default value is &e[&2SkinsRestorer&e] Keep in mind how it ends with a white space " " at the end. Depending on your punctuation preferences you can change this also.


Some lines for the skins' menu can be found in the messages.yml. Below is a list with those lines:

Descriptionline txtLocale
Message after performing /skinsOpening the skins menuMENU_OPEN
Inventory titleSkins menu - page %pageSKINSMENU_TITLE_NEW
When hovering on the right panel» Next Page »NEXT_PAGE
When hovering on the left panel« Previous Page «PREVIOUS_PAGE
When hovering the center redRemove SkinREMOVE_SKIN
hovering on a skull / skinClick to select this skinSELECT_SKIN

Custom Help

If you set UseOldSkinHelp: true you are able to use the pre 13.6 help system in messages.yml -> HELP_PLAYER